6:00 PM18:00

Double Vision XXI: Chamber music compositions

Another special concert of premieres of works by composers from Phillip Lasser's composition for non-majors program.

The program will feature chamber works and songs that we have worked on in the past semester, performed by musicians in Juilliard's Morse Hall.  

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6:00 PM18:00

Solo Program: Joey Chang

Junior Solo Recital at Juilliard's Paul Hall - Free admission! 

Link to Juilliard Calendar:



Beethoven's Op. 78 Sonata in F-sharp Major

Schumann's Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor (pub. 1853)

- intermission - 

Scriabin's Piano Sonata no. 5

Bartok's Improvisation on Hungarian Peasant Songs

Liszt's Vallee d'Obermann from the Première année: Suisse of Années de pèlerinage

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7:30 PM19:30

Listening to Taiwan: Concert of new compositions and improvisation

Summation of a 6-week long cultural immersion in Taiwan from Taipei, Hsing Kang in Chia Yi, to a 2-week stay with the aboriginal Bunun descendant communities in Taidong.  Concert features award-winning Hsing-Kang elementary school orchestra, works composed during my time in Taiwan, and interactive improvisation performance.

Program (in English and Chinese):

一、莫札特嬉遊曲 (Divertimento) K138 第一樂章快板 W. A. Mozart

二、葛利格 霍爾堡組曲 (Holberg Suite, Op. 40)  E. Grieg



新港國小弦樂團  Hsing-Kong Elementary String Orchestra    指揮:曾維民 Conductor: Wei-Min Tseng   鋼琴:張亦喬 Piano: Joey Chang


三、傾聽台灣: 給台灣的原創作品首演 

Listening to Taiwan: World Premier of Original Compositions

(1) 永遠的忘春風 Everlasting Love Song 

(2) 在台北的酷暑中漫步 Strolling in Taipei’s Summer Heat

(3) 媽祖廟巡禮 A Spiritual Impression of MaZu Temple

(4) 媽媽的眼睛變奏組曲  Three variations on  “Mother’s eyes” 

(5) 敬頌布農 Tributes to Bunun

                   第一樂章:山谷的聲音 The sound of mountains

                   第二樂章:幽靜中的隱憂 Solitude 

                   第三樂章:聆聽於天地間 Listening to Heaven and Earth 

                   第四樂章:感恩 Gratitude

作曲、鋼琴 : 張亦喬 Composition and Piano: Joey Chang




四、莫札特 鋼琴四重奏 (Piano Quartet) 降E大調 No.2, K493 W. A. Mozart




小提琴 蕭翔尹  Violin: Siang-Yin Hsiao 中提琴 曾盈穎  Viola: Ying-Yin Tseng 

大提琴 鄭詠柔  Cello: Yong-Rou Cheng 鋼琴 張亦喬    Piano: Joey Chang


五、拉赫曼尼諾夫練習曲Rachmaninoff  Etude Op.39 No.9      S. Rachmaninoff

鋼琴 張亦喬  Piano: Joey Chang


六、鋼琴即興演奏 Live Improvisation

張亦喬、觀眾互動  Audience and Joey Chang

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4:00 PM16:00

Concert Recital: Joey Chang and Mackenzie Melemed

Mackenzie Melemed, my colleague and friend pianist of many, many years will be joining me in a concert in Juilliard's orchestral room 309. Come hear us play Schumann! (and a bit of Debussy)


Carnaval Op.9 - Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

L'isle Joyeux L.106 - Claude Debussy (1862-1918)

                  (played by MACKENZIE MELEMED - pianist)

Intermission (10 minutes)

Sonata No.3 in F Minor Op.14 (1853)

                   (played by JOEY CHANG - pianist)


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8:00 PM20:00

STUDIO of Lowenthal: "The People United" Variations and Pairings Extravaganza

Students of Professor Jerome Lowenthal will perform Frederic Rzewski's piano variations on the theme "The People United Will Never Be Defeated" with special pairings of other variations in between!

Performance will take place in Morse Hall of the Juilliard School on April 8th, Wednesday, at 8pm.

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